Školení Microsoft Hyper-V Clustering – Instalace, konfigurace a správa

Microsoft Hyper-V - Designing, Implementing and Configuring. 3-denní kurz se zabývá tématy virtualizace na platformě Hyper-V High Availability Cluster ve verzi operačního systému Windows Server 2019. [Kód kurzu: AM600]
Výrobce: Microsoft
15 990 Kč bez DPH

Serverová virtualizace je oblastí IT dnes zastoupenou téměř v každé společnosti na světě. Platforma Microsoft Hyper-V je v čele skupiny světových hypervisorů. Její stabilita, výkon a možnosti nastavení se ovšem odvíjejí již od základní instalace a konfigurace a je tedy klíčové tyto úkony perfektně ovládat. Rádi Vám poskytneme potřebné znalosti právě na tomto třídenním kurzu, jehož obsahem jsou základní potřebné znalosti pro úspěšné nasazení platformy Microsoft Hyper-V.

S čím se na školení seznámíte:

  • Hyper-V High Availability Cluster
  • Failover Clustering
  • Hyper-V Replica
  • Live migration

[Kód kurzu: AM600]

3-denní kurz | 9:00 - 16:00 | s obědem


  1. Module 01: Hyper-V Architecture
    •    Hyper-V Architecture Simplified
    •    Hypervisor Types
    •    Hyper-V Architecture Top Level
    •    Hyper-V Architecture Components
  2. Module 02: Requirements, Prerequisites and Limits
    •    General Hyper-V Requirements
    •    DDA Hyper-V Requirements
    •    Shielded VMs Hyper-V Requirements - Host, Virtual Machine
    •    Networking - RSS, VMQ, RDMA, RoCE / iWarp
    •    Hyper-V Installation - GUI
    •    Hyper-V Installation - script
    •    Hyper-V Configuration: GUI
    •    Hyper-V Configuration: PowerShell
    •    Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V scale limits
    •    Hyper-V Scalability: Host
    •    Hyper-V Scalability: Cluster
    •    Hyper-V Scalability: VM (Guest)
  3. Module 03: Installation Types, Editions and Servicing
    •    Windows Server 2016 SKUs
    •    Installation Options
    •    Microsoft Hyper-V Server
    •    Windows 10 a Windows Server Release & Servicing
    •    Hyper-V Manager
  4. Module 04: Hyper-V Management, VM Generations and Versions
    •    Hyper-V Manager Improvements
    •    Cross version management
    •    VM Versions
    •    Virtual Machine
    •    Virtual Machine Generations
  5. Module 05: Secure Boot, vTPM & KSD, Checkpoints, Runtime Memory Resize, DDA and PoSh Direct
    •    Key Storage Drive for Generation 1 VMs
    •    Linux Secure Boot
    •    Runtime Memory Resize
    •    Production checkpoints
    •    Direct Device Assignment – NVMe Storage
    •    DDA Features and GPU Capabilities
    •    DDA Configuration
    •    Headless Virtual Machine
    •    PowerShell Direct
  6. Module 06: Shielded Virtual Machines
    •    Traditional Security
    •    Virtualized System Security
    •    How to access VMs data?
    •    How to become domain administrator?
    •    So how to secure the VM
    •    What is the Shielding Data
    •    How to access Shielded VM data?
    •    What if I trust the Fabric Admin?
    •    Existing VM
    •    What do I need?
    •    My host does not have a TPM
    •    Attestation Modes Requirements
    •    How does it work?
    •    Can I infect the VM template?
    •    What is the Shielding Data?
    •    Which VM can be Shielded?
    •    How to manage Shielded VMs?
  7. Module 07: IC Update, VM Groups and Host Resource Protection
    •    VM Servicing
    •    Host Resource Protection
    •    VM Grouping
    •    VM Start Ordering
  8. Module 08: Nested Virtualization, VSM, Containers
    •    Containers
    •    Nested Virtualization
    •    Guest Virtual Secure Mode
  9. Module 09: Networking
    •    Protected Networks
    •    RSS, VMQ, RSC, dVMQ, VMMQ, SR-IOV
    •    Test Network Connectivity
    •    Device Naming
    •    Virtual network adapter enhancements
    •    NIC Teaming & SET
  10. Module 10: Virtual Storage
    •    ReFS
    •    VHD, VHDX
    •    Storage Resiliency
    •    Shared VHDX
  11. Module 11: Enterprise Storage
    •    Storage Quality of Service (QoS)
    •    Types of Storage QoS Policies
    •    S2D
    •    SOFS
  12. Module 12: Hyper-V Cluster and Cluster Rolling Upgrade
    •    Failover clustering
    •    Node Fairness
    •    Node Isolation and Quarantine
    •    Virtual machine upgrades
    •    New virtual machine upgrade and servicing processes
    •    Cluster OS rolling upgrades
  13. Module 13: Hyper-V Replica
    •    Introduction
    •    Replica Support for Hot-Add VHDX
  14. Module 14: Best Practices

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